We Give Because God Gave First

Want to give to the ministries of South Shore UMC to help us make a difference in the lives of others? SSUMC welcomes your benevolence!! While we encourage faithful disciples who consider this their church home to tithe, generosity changes lives—yours and those who will benefit from the ministries of this church. Because God was so extravagantly generous in giving us His son, Jesus, every time we give, we become more like Him.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son…
John 3:16

A word about tithing

The word tithe literally means a tenth or 10% of your income. Many people think it is just about giving something to God when everything else is taken care of – what’s left over, but it isn’t.  It is about giving back to God from what was His to begin with. All we have ever had, all we have now, and all we hope to have comes from Him. Tithing is a reminder that God supplies everything and it teaches us to put God first in our lives. Tithing is a spiritual discipline, along with others like prayer, fasting, attending worship, Bible study, and fellowship with other Christians, that helps us grow in our faith. If you feel you can’t tithe, faithfully ask God to help you move in that direction by increasing your confidence that He will supply your needs.

We recommend setting up a schedule for offering your gifts to the church, either through automatic bank transfer or the recurring donation tab on the paypal link on this site. This is a more convenient way to faithfully share out of that which God has faithfully gifted you. Contact us for more information about automatic bank transfers.

We thank God for all gifts and each giver.

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