I'm New Here


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sunday morning like and when are worship services?

Before the Covid 19 Pandemic disrupted life for us all, Sundays would start with Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 in the education wing of the church building (enter through the courtyard door).  After worship, everyone would be invited (both guests and regularly attending folks) to share fellowship over a meal in the fellowship hall located in the lower level of the church sponsored by the Birth Month Ministry. There is no fee for the meal, but donations are welcome. It’s a great time to enjoy some good ol’ South Shore hospitality. Worship begins with gathering and praise music at 10:50.


We are worshipping both in person (safely) and virtually  We look forward to the time when we can fully return to our fundamental pre-COVID routine.

What should I wear to worship?

In a word— clothes. You are invited to come as you are. We think God is more concerned about the state of your heart than the state of your wardrobe. Having said that, however, you will find a variety of styles represented from casual blue jeans and t-shirts to more formal suits and “church hats.” So you will fit in whatever you decide to wear.

How long are services?

Generally our worship experiences are about an hour maybe a little longer on the first Sunday of the month when we typically celebrate Holy Communion.

May I participate in Holy Communion if I am not a member of the church?

Yes! Jesus came for all and His grace and mercy are extended to all so we set an open table where everyone who is present is invited to participate in this ritual that celebrates God’s gracious gift of salvation offered to all of us through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

What does it mean to be United Methodist?

Great question! It means that we are part of a denomination unintentionally started by a man named John Wesley in the 1700s in England. Wesley stressed things like social justice and salvation at the same time. In other words, we do works of mercy and compassion and we seek justice where there is injustice as an expression of our love for God. We believe that in doing so, we live more into the image of Jesus, who came that we all might have life and have it abundantly. To know more, check out The United Methodist Church.Periodically we offer a Discipleship Exploration Class in which we explore what it means to be Christian, United Methodist, and a Disciple living out his or her faith at South Shore UMC. (Notice the use of the word disciple and not member. Disciples actively and intentionally follow Jesus to bring God’s Kingdom on earth and make the world a better place. They seek to help others connect to God through Jesus while claiming a closer relationship themselves. Members simply have signed on the dotted line. We are seeking to cultivate disciples at South Shore.)

What if I didn’t grow up in a United Methodist church or any church at all?

No worries. There is a mixture of people here at SSUMC. From life-long Methodists to people of a variety of faith backgrounds. For some, coming to South Shore is their first time attending any church. All are welcome here in a place where no question is silly and the only expectation is that you want to know more. Curious and even doubting minds are welcome! We do our best to make ministry relevant and practical. So come. Join us!

How can I get connected

Connect with others through fellowship opportunities, our ministries, and events. Let’s do life together! Knowing God, Growing in Faith, and Going to Serve in smaller groups within the larger church.

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